2020 PAGE Conference

Saturday & Sunday, November 14 & 15, 2020
- Members Only Discounts: Login to your Website account to retrieve your codes under the Members Only Menu section.
View The Conference Schedule!
PAGE is so excited about our line-up of speakers for the Virtual Conference! We know you will be too! Check out the link below to view our topics and presenter list.
Call for Sponsors and Exhibitors
PAGE will be releasing more information about ways to become involved in our virtual conference. If you are interested contact please contact kfedor@giftedpage.org.
- Sponsorship Opportunities:
- For pricing, packages, and other sponsorship information, contact kfedor@giftedpage.org.
- Award Sponsor
- Saturday Keynote Sponsor – THANK YOU UConn & Confratute
- Sunday Keynote Sponsor
- Spotlight Speaker Sponsor
- Parent’s of Gifted Day Speaker Sponsor –THANK YOU Johns Hopkins Center for Talented Youth
- Affiliate Weekend Sponsor
- For pricing, packages, and other sponsorship information, contact kfedor@giftedpage.org.
Thank you to our current sponsors!

Keynote Speakers
Dr. Sally Reis recently completed a six year term as the Vice Provost for Academic Affairs at the University of Connecticut. She is a Board of Trustees Distinguished Professor, and a Teaching Fellow in Educational Psychology at the University of Connecticut. She currently holds the Letitia Neag Chair in Educational Psychology. She was a public school teacher and administrator for 15 years, prior to her work at UConn. She has authored more than 250 articles, books, book chapters, monographs and technical reports. She has traveled extensively across the country conducting workshops and providing professional development for school districts on enrichment programs, differentiation, and talent development programs. Sally serves on the editorial board of the Gifted Child Quarterly, and is a past-president of The National Association for Gifted Children. She is a fellow of the American Psychological Association and was named a Distinguished Scholar of the National Association for Gifted Children. She has expertise in the areas of enrichment, differentiation, talented readers, gifted girls and women, and twice exceptional students.
Rebecca Banks Cull, a veteran educator and mother of two multi-exceptional children, has used her experience to co-author The ADHD-Autism Connection (2002) and Bright Not Broken: Gifted Kids, ADHD, and Autism (2011). Rebecca is co-founder of Bright Not Broken: The Lorna Wing Institute of America, a national speaker, and works to bring together the fields of giftedness and disabilities in order to promote a whole-child approach to diagnosis and intervention.
Diane M Kennedy is the co-author of two internationally acclaimed books,The ADHD-Autism Connection (2002) and Bright Not Broken: Gifted Kids, ADHD, and Autism (2011). As a mother of three multi-exceptional sons, cofounder of Bright Not Broken: The Lorna Wing Institute of America, and a national speaker, Diane now works to bring together the fields of giftedness and disabilities in order to promote a whole-child approach to diagnosis and intervention.
Award Nominations
Nominate a Student, Teacher, and/or Parent today for one of our annual awards!
Parents, did you know that you can nominate your own child?
All applications are due by Friday, October 2, 2020 for full consideration.
Award presentations will occur during our 2020 virtual conference.
- To view the criteria associated with each award, and associated applications click on the Award title below to be directed to the appropriate page for more information.
- The deadline for submission and receipt (of online and/or mailed materials) is Friday, October 2, 2020
- Live recognition of awardees with occur during our virtual conference.
All questions concerning the awards or the nomination process can be PAGE Administrative Assistant, Kacey Shoupe.
Outstanding Educator Award
Distinguished Parent Award
Distinguished Student Award
Call for Session Proposals
Proposal Submission is now CLOSED
PAGE is seeking proposals for conference sessions for our 2020 Conference.
This year’s conference theme is 20/20 Vision: Gifted Through Many Lenses